Updates Regarding the Coronavirus (COVID-19)
Reusable bags are now allowed in our stores again.
Please note:
Bags will need to remain in your cart.
You must bag your own groceries.
We are now charging for our paper bags if you choose to not bring your own or would like us to bag your groceries.
Please be advised that Frazier Farms was notified that an employee from our Vista store has tested positive for COVID-19. Last day worked was May 1st. Our employee is recovering and doing well.
As an immediate response to protect the health and safety of our workforce, we are notifying all customers and employees.
The safety and well-being of our associates and customers is our highest priority and we are taking heightened precautions to keep our store a safe place to work and shop. Following CDC disinfection guidelines, last night the store had a deep cleaning by a professional sanitation company, including areas and surfaces the associate may have come in contact with.
Any associates who have been in close contact with the diagnosed individual have been notified and asked to stay home and self-quarantine for a period of up to 14 days from last date of exposure.
Close Contact: close contact is defined by CDC as:
• Within approximately 6 feet for a prolonged period of time (10 minutes or longer); close contact can occur when sharing a close work environment with a Covid_19 case.
• Having direct contact with infectious secretions of a Covid_19 case (being coughed/sneezed on)
Starting Monday April 20th we will be requiring all customers to wear a mask when shopping at our stores. This is a guideline recommended by the CDC that anyone leaving their home should wear a mask.
Keep in mind, you can easily make one with a scarf, fabric, etc. that you may already have at home. But a face covering will be required to shop in our store starting April 20th.
For more information please visit the CDC’s website: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/prevent-getting-sick/diy-cloth-face-coverings.html
Please be advised that Frazier Farms was notified that an employee from our Oceanside store has tested positive for COVID-19. They only worked April 8th, 9th, 10th, and 11th from 4:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. in the last 14 days.
As an immediate response to protect the health and safety of our workforce, we are notifying all customers and employees.
The safety and well-being of our associates and customers is our highest priority and we are taking heightened precautions to keep our store a safe place to work and shop. Following CDC disinfection guidelines, last night the store had a deep cleaning by a professional sanitation company, including areas and surfaces the associate may have come in contact with.
All associates who have been in close contact with the diagnosed individual have been notified and asked to stay home and self-quarantine for a period of up to 14 days from last date of exposure.
Close Contact: close contact is defined by CDC as:
- • Within approximately 6 feet for a prolonged period of time (10 minutes or longer); close contact can occur when sharing a close work environment with a Covid_19 case.
- • Having direct contact with infectious secretions of a Covid_19 case (being coughed/sneezed on)
New Policy For Frazier Farms Market Employees:
Effective immediately, we will be following the CDC guidelines and have each employee answer three questions and take their temperature before each shift.
To ensure continuity of operations of essential functions, CDC advises that critical infrastructure workers may be permitted to continue work following potential exposure to COVID-19, provided they remain asymptomatic and additional precautions are implemented to protect them and the community.
A potential exposure means being a household contact or having close contact within 6 feet of an individual with confirmed or suspected COVID-19. The time frame for having contact with an individual includes the period of time of 48 hours before the individual became symptomatic.
Critical Infrastructure workers who have had an exposure but remain asymptomatic should adhere to the following practices prior to and during their work shift:
• Pre-Screen: Employers should measure the employee's temperature and assess symptoms prior to them starting work.
• Regular Monitoring: As long as the employee doesn't have a temperature or symptoms, they should self-monitor symptoms.
• Wear a Mask: The employee must wear a face mask at all times while in the workplace. Employers can issue face masks or can approve employees' supplied cloth face coverings in the event of shortages.
• Social Distance: The employee should maintain 6 feet and practice social distancing as work duties permit in the workplace.
• Disinfect and Clean work spaces: Employees will clean and disinfect all areas such as offices, bathrooms, common areas, shared electronic equipment routinely.
We have made the decision to close both of our stores this Sunday the 12th of April for Easter. Our staff deserves a much needed day to rest, recuperate, and spend time with their families. Both stores will be open from 7 AM to 9 PM on Friday & Saturday. We still ask that the first hour after opening on those days (7AM to 8AM) be reserved for the elderly (65+), immune compromised, at risk and pregnant women.
Happy Easter everyone, stay safe!
It has been brought to our attention that a Frazier Farms employee has tested positive for COVID-19. They have not been in the store prior to their exposure or thereafter. They had taken time off work before the lock down was issued and have not been in the store or worked at any of our stores for the past 30 days. This individual will remain quarantined until all symptoms are completely gone and medical professionals have released this person to return to work.
Updates to Store Bagging Procedures:
Starting Monday April 6th we will no longer allow customers to bring their own reusable bags of any kind. We will not be charging customers for our paper bags during this time. Thank you for understanding and helping us keep Frazier Farms Market a safe place to shop!
In an effort to continually provide a safe and sanitary shopping experience for our customers and staff, we have implemented some new changes.
•We are limiting the number of customers allowed in the store. There will be a line outside the store and as people leave, we will allow new people in.
•We have our staff members sanitizing each cart and basket as each person leaves the store so that it is clean for the next customer.
•We have taped off 6 foot increments at the registers so customers are aware of the social distancing guidelines advised by the CDC.
•No more self serve in the bulk barrels. Our bulk bins are now being serviced by one staff member. Customers are not allowed to use any of the bins with the scoops. Please ask a staff member to assist you.
We apologize for the inconvenience, things are changing everyday and we are trying our best to keep or customers and staff safe.
Dear Frazier Farms Customers,
We have received news about CA states "Stay Home" order placed today. We want you to know that we are here and are considered an essential business to our local communities. We will continue to be open for our customers during this difficult time.
Just a reminder of our current hours of operation:
We will be opening at our regular time of 8 AM to help our elderly (65+), handicapped, pregnant women and immune compromised community. All other customers are welcome to shop starting at 9 AM.
We will also be closing at 8 PM. This is an hour earlier than normal so that we have more time to stock shelves and do a thorough store cleaning.
We appreciate your patience and support during these uncertain times. Be sure to follow us on social media to stay informed on what we have in stock.
In our continued efforts to keep our customers and employees safe, we wanted to share some of the latest news on how we are maintaining a clean store and safe shopping experience for everyone.
•We are cleaning the credit card terminals.
•We removed the signature capture for any order under $25, therefore you just need to insert your EMV chip card and don't have to touch the card readers.
•We have sanitizing wipes at each check stand.
•We have staff members walking around sanitizing door handles, bulk scoops, etc. every hour.
•Frazier Farms has teamed up with Servpro to disinfect both of our Frazier Farms locations throughout the week.
•Cashiers are wearing gloves, changing them frequently, and sanitizing their stations on an hourly basis.
•We are observing all recommended protocols from the CDC.
Tuesday, March 17th
Dear Frazier Farms Customers,
Due to an overwhelming request to help our elderly (65+), handicapped and immune compromised community we will be reserving the first hour after opening for them. We will be opening at our regular time of 8 AM. All other customers are welcome to shop starting at 9 AM.
We will also be closing at 8 PM. This is an hour earlier than normal so that we have more time to stock shelves and do a thorough store cleaning.
Thank you all for your patience and understanding during this difficult time. We are trying our best everyday to continue to provide our community with a clean and stress free shopping experience.
We wanted to let you know that due to supply difficulties at our stores, we will not be honoring the prices of our weekly ad starting March 17th. We will also not be offering rain checks at this time.
Check back with us next week as things can change. We will do our best to keep you informed on all the latest news here at #FrazierFarmsMarket.
We appreciate you understanding. Thank you for shopping with us.
Please Note: This comes at a time when each day it is uncertain what we will have in stock. Our suppliers are stretched thin and this makes it difficult to provide discounts when we don’t know what’s available.
We will not be accepting returns due to the over buying of products related to COVID-19. This will include products such as: water, vitamins, canned or jarred goods, bulk items, perishable items (meat, seafood, dairy) etc.. Please only purchase what you need at this time. Thank you for your cooperation.
Monday, MARCH 16tH
In accordance with CDC guidelines, as of 3/16 we will no longer be offering our salad bar and self serve soup options until further notice. However, our goal is still to provide you with delicious, healthy options and we will have plenty of grab and go salads and soups available for you!
Hope everyone is staying safe and sane during this uncertain time. We appreciate all of the kind messages you have been sending us over the weekend. Frazier Farms is still here for you!
Here at Frazier Farms Market we take the health and safety of our employees and customers very seriously. During this time of heightened public concern we believe that it’s our responsibility to keep our stores clean, open and stocked to the best of our abilities.
Our community is very important to us and we want you to know we’re taking all the necessary steps to keep you safe. We are diligently monitoring the latest updates on the novel coronavirus (COVID-19). In addition to our already high standards of cleanliness, we have implemented additional protocols to protect the health of our customers and employees.
Our team members are advised to practice the same daily measures that we should be practicing to reduce the transmission of viruses. This includes: properly cleaning hands, objects, and surfaces. Not touching eyes, nose or mouth. If a team member appears ill they will be sent home, but do understand, sneezes happen and does not automatically mean someone is sick.
We will be cleaning high-traffic employee and customer areas hourly and suspending all food demos until further notice.
For more information on COVID-19, please visit the Center for Disease Control & Prevention's website. For any additional questions please email Natasha Octon our Regional Marketing Specialist at natashao@frazierfarmsmarket.com.
We're extremely grateful for our customers and look forward to seeing you in our stores.